Thursday, March 1, 2007

AutoReply: Out of Office

Ahh...I managed to take the afternoon off, get out of the office early for the first time in months, catch up on some personal time. What did I manage to do with my precious time? Watch "Ellen", which I rarely get to do. Play with the cats. Chat with my neighbor. Vacuum.

I also had a chance to see this. My first reaction was "yeah, go get 'em!" As a lesbian (and as a nice person who exists in this world)) I cringe when I hear the word "gay" being used as an insult. Just like "retard". What is so hard for people to understand about that?

When I coached high school socccer, the girls knew they were not allowed to use the phrase "that's so gay" (they weren't allowed to use other sayings or words that had disparaging intentions - hey, it's all about educating to create a culture of safety and respect). However I do think that the kids who taunted the girl about being Mormon were not exactly in the right either.

Just not cool to call people names. Didn't we all learn that when we were little?

Oh wait, I looked and it's not on the list. Maybe that explains it.

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